Chris Soto
has focused his career on the intersection of education and emotional wellness. He received a Masters in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard University and a Doctorate in Education from the University of Pennsylvania. Currently, he is Director of School-based Well-being at DPS Foundation, where one of his focus areas is expanding Restorative Practices as a vehicle for social-emotional learning in schools and community healing. Prior to this role, he was a Certified High School Counselor, the Head of School at a private therapeutic boarding school, and the SEL and Mental Health Coordinator for Durham Public Schools. While his primary goal is to expand emotional and mental health support for students, he is also passionate about increasing access to counseling and wellness services for teachers and administrators, particularly in high need schools. Towards that end, he is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHCA). He has two children, six and eight, who both attend Lakewood Elementary, and fathering is his greatest calling.