Restorative Practices are a way of being that is rooted in building healthy connections and repairing harm within a community. In this intensive, highly interactive two-day training, you will learn the essential components of Restorative Practices and Restorative Justice. Led by trained IIRP facilitators, sessions will focus on:
a fundamental understanding of Restorative Practices in schools and youth centers
the mindset of a relationship-based approach to discipline and conflict resolution
the process and practice of leading proactive community-building Circles
how to lead Restorative Conversations and Healing Circles
resources, reflection, and planning for effective classroom and school-wide implementation
plenty of time to practice, practice, practice
Presenters: Crystal Small and Ida Trisolini
This training is offered in partnership with the North Carolina Association of Independent Schools (NCAIS). Visit their website for rates and registration.
Please contact for limited partial scholarship inquiries.
Our previous Restorative Practices training sold out, so we recommend signing up today!